Free Online Bookkeeping Tutorial

So, you want to learn Bookkeeping!
by Bean Counter's Dave Marshall
A free bookkeeping tutorial for business owners, managers, and individuals who need to learn the basics of bookkeeping
Introduction discusses the types of business organizations, business activities, bookkeeping systems, and the cash and accrual basis of accounting.
Lesson 1 The Bookkeeping Language introduces you to some of the terminology and definitions used in the accounting and bookkeeping language.
Lesson 2 Property and Property Rights explains Property & Property Rights, the Accounting Equation, double entry bookkeeping, and how business transactions affect the equation.
Lesson 3 Debits and Credits introduces and explains Debits and Credits and how they affect the Accounting Equation and are used to record business transactions.
Lesson 4 Recording Business Transactions explains and uses examples to illustrate how business transactions are properly analyzed, recorded, and summarized.
Lesson 5 The General Ledger and Journals explains what General Ledger and Journals are, how they're used, and what bookkeeping purposes they serve.
Lesson 6 Financial Statements explains what financial statements are, how they're created, and how they're used.
Lesson 7 Review of Major Concepts reviews the major definitions, concepts, and bookkeeping records previously discussed and necessary for an understanding of bookkeeping.

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